
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HABBIE'S HOUSE (Ruins of) Habbie's House R. Brown Esq Newhall House
Mr. J. Brown Monk's Burn Cottage
017 The ruins of an old house upon the margin of the Esk west of Newhall House, it and many other objects upon Newhall demesne, were named by the late proprietor to make the locality present the scene of Ramsay's pastoral the Gentle Shepherd, and it is very generally admitted, from Ramsay's often visiting Newhall, together with the similitude of the scenery upon the Esk at this place to that painted so beautifully in the poem that the author intended this place as the plot of his comedy.
WHITEHILL Whitehill R. Brown Esq Newhall House
Mr. J. Brown Monk's Burn Cottage
017 A small farm house upon the estate of Newhall.

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[Page] 58
Parish [of] Penicuick

Plan 17B Trace 4

2nd. Corpl. [Corporal] Mechan RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]

[signed] John Mechan 2nd. Corpl. [Corporal] RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners] 16.1.52.

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