
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Craig House
Craig House
Craig House
Craig House
Craig Castle
Craig Castle
Craig Castle
County Map
Estate Map
Mr. Macdonald Macdonald Pr. [Proprietor]
Revd [Reverend] Mr. Mitchell
Mr Lowe Land Steward of Rossie
New Statistical Account
Old Statl. [Statistical] Account
Memorials of Angus & Mearns
Mr Macdonald Macdonald Pr. [Proprietor]
Revd [Reverend] Mr Mitchell
035 "The Castle of Craig frequently mentioned in the Chronicles of Scotland, appears to have been a place of Considerable strength a part of the building still occupied as a dwelling house bears the date of 1634, but a square tower & gateway still standing in a very compact state bear the aspect of great antiquity."
New Statl [Statistical] Account
The description quoted above is correct, a part is sometimes occupied by the proprietor in visiting the Estate. The place is invariably referred to or called "Craig House", but it is also well known to have been a Castle, & as such, the proprietor is desirous of seeing it described on the Ord. [Ordnance] Map, but the custom of "Craig House" should not be lost sight of, as stated by Mr. Macdonald Macdonald.
CASTLE (Remains of) [Craig House] Craig House
Craig House
Craig House
Craig House
Craig House
Craig Castle
Craig Castle
Craig Castle
County Map
Estate Map
Mr. Macdonald Macdonald Pr. [Proprietor]
Revd [Reverend] Mr. Mitchell
Mr Lowe Land Steward of Rossie
New Statistical Account
Old Statl. [Statistical] Account
Memorials of Angus & Mearns
Mr Macdonald Macdonald Pr. [Proprietor]
Revd [Reverend] Mr Mitchell
035 "The Castle of Craig frequently mentioned in the Chronicles of Scotland, appears to have been a place of Considerable strength a part of the building still occupied as a dwelling house bears the date of 1634, but a square tower & gateway still standing in a very compact state bear the aspect of great antiquity"
New Statl [Statistical] Account
The description quoted above is correct, a part is sometimes occupied by the proprietor in visiting the Estate. The place is invariably referred to or called "Craig House" but it is also well known to have been a Castle, & as such, the proprietor is desirous of seeing it described on the Ord. [Ordnance] Map, but the custom of "Craig House" should not be lost sight of, as stated by Mr Macdonald Macdonald.
WELL [Craig House] 035 Near this on the east, on the road leading to Inchbrayock or Rossie Island, there is as stated in the New Statl. [Statistical] Account, a Spring strongly impregnated with Iron, which is drunk, & it is said with good effect, by persons of relaxed habits. The taste is now almost lost by drainage & by conveying the Spring from its original place to the spot it at present occupies. It is not very well known as Medicinal Springs are when of any consequence.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 29
Co. [County] Forfar -- Craig Parish

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Alison James- Moderator, Caspell

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