
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
River Devon
River Devon
River Devon
Andrew Jamieson Esqr.
James Moir Esqr.
Mr. S. N. Morrison
Statistical Account – 1842
139 “The Devon, or North Devon, rises in the parish of Blackford in the county of Perth, and, descending with impetuosity from the Ochils, where its course is to the east, till it reaches the Crook of Devon, in the parish of Fossaway; it then makes a very acute turn towards the west, and proceeding placidly in that direction through a highly picturesque and beautiful vale, often denominated the Arcadia of Scotland, falls into the Forth at the village of Cambus, about 2 miles from the town of Alloa.
Exclusive of its winding, the course of this river is more than 26 miles though the distance in a direct line from its source to its embouchure (directly north from and opposite its source) does not exceed 6 miles.”
Statistical Accnt. [Account]

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Parish of Alloa

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