
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LINN OF THE DARKNESS Linn of the Darkness
Linn of the Darkness
Linn of the Darkness
E B Wallace
J. Gibson
D. McKie
063 [Situation] N. [North] of Craigenriach between Balloch Burn & a Nameless Stream running through Glengap. - A waterfall of upwards of fifty feet in height on the W. [West] side of Craigenriach. It has received this name from the gloomy appearance of the precipitous rocks on either side of the stream at this part of its Course.
Rowantree Hill
Rowantree Hill
Rowantree Hill
Rowantree Hill
E B Wallace
J Gibson
D McKie
Mr. N. McDonald
Mr. S Walker
063 [Situation] Extends along the East side of plan. - A bold extensive hill producing rough pasture heath and moss - property of the Marquis of Ailsa

Continued entries/extra info

Sheet 63 -plan 2 - Traces 2-3-6 -- Ph[Parish] of Barr [Page] 35

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