



294. Standing-Stones, Forse. - Between a rocky scarp and swampy
ground at the upper or N. end of
the Mill Dam, to the NW. of Forse
House, are three standing-stones
and the base of a fourth. They
are rectangular slabs placed at
irregular intervals of 18' 9", 25',
and 53' from each other, and
seemingly disturbed from their
original positions. It is doubtful
if they have formed part of a
stone circle. The unbroken stones
measure from 3' 6" to 4' 9" in
height, from 2' 7 to 3' in width,
and they have an average thick-
ness of 13".
O.S.M., CAITH., xxxviii. ("Stone
Visited, 29th July 1910.

[Drawing inserted].
FIG. 15 - Cross Slab, Mid Clyth Grave-
yard (No. 295).

295. Cross Slab, Mid Clyth. -
Near the centre of Mid Clyth
graveyard stands a tall grey slab
(fig 15) measuring 6' 6" in height,
1' 9" in breadth, and 6" in thick-
ness. It faces SW. and NE.
On the SW. face near the centre
is incised a Celtic cross 1' 3"
in length and 1' 4" in breadth
along the arms. The upper arm
terminates in two diverging spirals and
the lateral arms in circular discs 3" in
diameter. The stem of the cross is about
3/4" broad.
See Antiquaries, x. p. 630 (illus.) ; Early
Christ. Mon. pt. iii. p. 36.

[Drawing inserted].
Fig. 16 - Cross Slab, Roadside
Farm, MId Clyth (No. 296).

296. Cross Slab, Roadside Farm, Mid
Clyth. - At the farm of Roadside, Mid
Clyth, occupied by Mr George Sinclair, is
a cross-bearing slab (fig 16). It was found
many years ago built into a stone dyke,
and has been used as a cover on the top
of the wall around the well containing
the machinery of the horse mill at the
back of the house. On its upper face
is rudely carved, or picked out, a small
cross. The slab measures 3' 5" in length
by 1' 11" in breadth, and 5" in thick-
ness. The cross is 1' 5" in extreme length
and 1' 2" in breadth across the centre.
The arms are 6" long and terminate in round discs 2 1/2" in

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