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[Continued from page 126]

other on the E. [East], also opening on a hollow faced
with higher ground in front of it. The site is a
plateau at the edge of a steep slope & quite un:
:noticeable from below.

Enclosure. Johnstone Ho. [House] (6.)
On the SE. [South East] slope of the hillside
some 300 yds. [yards] W. [West] by N. [North] of Johnstone House partly on
a plateau and partly on the steep ground
above it is an oval enclosure with its longest
axis NE. [North East] and SW. [South West] and measuring some 280' by 170'.
It is surrounded by a broad rampart of
earth and stone. Commencing at the lower
edge of the plateau on the NE. [North East], curving round
the N. [North] and gradually mounting the steep
slope of the hill it passes along the NW. [North West] side
some 30' above the lowest level of the interior
and returns down the slope at the SW. [South West]. It
contains on the upper or NW. [North West] side a natural
terrace which lies some 18' above the lower
part of the enclosure. There has been an
entrance into the lowest side of the area
from the S. [South], near its W. [West] end and seemingly
another also from the E. [East]. From the right side
of the former a wall passes inward across
the interior stopping some 12' short of the steep
scarp from the terrace on the upper side. In
continuation of the edge of the scarp from

[Continued on page 128]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham