

[Page] 51
[Continued from page 50]

Mary, Andrew, James, Elizabet, William
McNaught children to Roger McNaught
& Ann Gordon his spous 1706
Another displaced stone standing near bears
within a frame the inscription,
Deaths steps are sure
and yet no nois maks
His Hands unseen and yet
Most surely taks
It has marked the grave of someone of the
name of McGuffog in the year 174-.

On my way back I called at Ironmacanie
School house and was directed to the
so called cairn at [blank]. It is
a slight rocky eminence showing no trace
of either cairn or fort!
The "Cow clout" stone I also visited but attach
no importance to it in the belief that the
markings are natural. It is illustrated in
Harper's Rambles on p. [page] 285.

5 Sept 1911.
Tired of motoring I have taken once
more to my bicycle. Took the train to
Dalbeattie & thence proceeded Eastwards
to Kirkgunzeon.

[Continued on page 52]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Brenda Pollock