

[Page] 83
[Continued from page 82]

extent of more than a half of its original
size but there is no evidence that the interment
has been disturbed. It has measured some
65' in diameter and the remaining portion
is about 7' in elevation.
The other cairn, situated across a glen, some
200 yds. [yards] to the W. [West] has been reduced all over
to a height of 2' to 3', and is now overgrown
with grass. It has measured some 62' in diameter,
no cists are exposed.

Cairns &c.
On the W. [West] side of the hill road which led to the
Knockibae Lead Mines and 1/2 m. [mile] N. [North] of Barns:
:hangan is a large group of cairn like
deposits of stone measuring from 12' to 16'
in diameter and formed of larger stones
than the usual heaps which accompany
hut ruins. One near the upper end of the
group is oblong & measures 23' by 14' lying with
its longer axis E. [East] and W. [West]. There are no
definite remains of hut circles or hut
ruins observable.
The small circular hut like shelters built
by shepherds against old walls &c. on the
hills & which resemble in size the hut ruins,
are, I am told, erected so that a ewe who
has lost her lamb may be put in with a

[Continued on page 84]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Murray