

[Page] 71
[Continued from page 70]

to some extent below the surrounding level.

Hut ruins & cairns. (28)
On a level terrace which lies along the W. [West] side
of Dirnean Fell near its base are a number
of circular hut ruins and cairn-like mounds. Some
of the latter lie in wettish ground where bog-
-myrtle is growing in a situation unsuitable
for habitations and consequently they are
probably cairns

Whitefield Loch.
The description of the crannogs &c. in
this loch must be taken from Mr. Wilson's
paper in the Proceedings. Vol [Volume] IX. [9] 1871. p. [page] 368.
A mere cursory inspection can justify no
addition or detraction from the statements in
his careful report. The promontory near
the E. [East] end on S. [South] side is undoubtedly natural
as he suggests.

31st May.
Train to Dunragit where I was met
by Mr. Cunningham's keeper.

Old Luce Round Dounan. Dunragit
On the E [East] side of the avenue to Dunragit
House and about 1/4 m. [mile] from the lodge
is situated the Round Dounan. It is a natural
hillock of outcropping rock some 12' - 14' in height overgrown with
vegetation. Along the W. [West] side is a terrace
some 18' in width which may originally have
been a ditch now filled in.

Dunragit Ho. [House]
In the presrent house of Dunragit is

[Continued on page 72]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, John Dunlop