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[Continued from page 19]

cut off from the surrounding moorland
on the S. [South] and E. [East] by a broad ditch and
on the N [North] and W [West] a burn enflanks it. On the
latter sides its base is protected by a breastwork
The broch has occupied the E. [East] end of the
hillock. At several places the base of the
outer wall is exposed showing a diameter
over all of some 60'. It has an elevation
of about 11'. Over the area between the
base of the broch and the breastwork
on the W. [West] the remains of outbuildings
are visible below the turf.

Moss of Whilk (24)
On leaving the broch I met a shepherd
who directed me to this "broch" and informed
me of the existence of some hut circles
A long walk over peat bogs & rough heather
brought me to a grassy knoll situated
at the NW. [North West] end of the Moss of Whilk
about 1 1/4 W by S [West by South] of Warehouse and just
where the hills begin to rise to northwards
of the Moss. The hillock is low & scattered
over its surface & protruding from it
showing no trace of arrangement are
numerous large quarried stones. The mound
does not seem high enough to cover
the ruins of a broch & the removal of

[Continued on page 21]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Irenem