
Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 96
[continued from page 95]

Extracts from Old Statistical Account ------- Examiners replies to each of the underlines portions

extremity, rises in a small lake, about 30 miles north west ------- out of the parish Has this Lake a name
from its mouth. In its course it is augmented by the------- Is it called Loch Conan.
confluence of several streams, such as the Black River, the ------- These names are not
Meag, the Orrin &c. Its breadth near its mouth is about 50 yards, ------- in this parish
and its mean depth 2 1/2 feet. It abounds with salmon of a rich
flavour, which is chiefly sent to the London market.
General John Mackenzie, residing at Balevil, in this parish. ------- Written and Described
He is of the family of Gairloch, and was born at Conan House ------- Written and Described
Land-owners The land owners are, Mr. Forbes of Culloden,
Sir James Wemyss Mackenzie of Scatwell, and Sir Francis A.
Mackenzie of Gairloch. The estate of Findon, forming the ------- Written and Described
eastern portion of the parish, is the property of Sir James.
The village of Conan Bridge, on the line of the great northern road, ------- Written and Described
is a thriving place, with a population of about 300 souls.
Culbokie is the only other village. ------- Written and Described
The Bridge thrown over the Conan, at the village called by that ------- Written and Described
name, in 1810, consisting of five arches, is a handsome solid
fabric. It is built of durable free stone and the cost of erection
£6000. Between it and the Beauly Bridge a communication is
opened by an excellent turnpike road. Another road leads
from Conan Bridge, across the Maolbine to the Kessock
The parish Church is a plain capacious house, situated near ------- Written and Described
the sea shore. It was built in 1795, and is in a good state of
repair. The number of sitters intended to be accommodated
is 1200. The Manse was built in 1777, and is still in good ------- Written and Described
condition. It underwent, of course, several times, the last in 1837.
There are 3 schools in the parish, the parochial school in the centre; ------- Written and Described
A school maintained by the Society in Scotland for Propagating
Christian Knowledge, in the east end; and one established a
few years ago by Sir F. A. Mackenzie on his own property in
the west end.

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