
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
KILMUIR WESTER AND SUDDIE Kilmuir Wester and Suddie
Kilmuir Wester and Suddie
Kilmuir Wester and Suddie
Kilmuir Wester and Suddy
Kilmuir and Suddy
Kilmuir Wester
Kilmuir Wester and Suddy now more generally termed Knockbain
Kilmuir Wester and Suddy
Revd [Reverend] R. Williamson Ph. [Parish] Manse Munlochy
Presbytery Records
James Cameron Esq Factor, Munlochy
Old Statistical Account date 1794
New Statistical Account Index dated 1841
Philips' County Atlas
Fullerton's Gazetteer of Scotland 1852
Oliver & Boyd's Almanac 1869
Mr Greig, Schoolmaster, Munlochy
Heading of description in New Stat. [Statistical] Account
089; 090; 100; 101 The parish of Kilmuir Wester and Suddie is in the Presbytery of Chanonry, Synod of Ross. It is bounded on the South and South West by the Ph. [Parish] of Killearnan (Proper); on the West by the Detached part of Killearnan Ph. [Parish] and that part of Urquhart and Logie Wester in the County of Nairn Detached No. [Number] 51; on the North and North East by the Ph. [Parish] of Urquhart and Logie Wester, and the Ph. [Parish] of Avoch; and on the east by the parish of Avoch and Munlochy Bay & part of the Moray Firth.
There are no detached portions of this parish, and there are no detached portions of any other parish Situated within.
A detached part of Killearnan Parish is situated between this parish and Urquhart and Logie Wester, which detached portion is included in this Name Book.

Continued entries/extra info

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County of Ross -- Parish of Kilmuir Wester and Suddie

For this mode of writing
the name See Correspondence at the
end of this Name Book [initials]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

RosemaryJ, Bizzy- Moderator, Margaret C Mackay

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