
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GOB FEÒIR Gob Feòir Mr G. McLennan Poolewe
Mr J. Matheson Gamekeeper Poolewe
O.H. McKenzie Esqr. Inverewe House
032 A point on the coast about a quarter of a mile south of Camas Phòil. The name means "The Grassy Point"
SLIOS NA LICE BUIDHE Slios na Lise Buidhe Mr G. McLennan Poolewe
Mr J. Matheson Gamekeeper Poolewe
O.H. McKenzie Esqr. Inverewe House
032 A Declivity a short distance south of "Gob Feòir ". The property of O.H. Mckenzie Esquire Inverewe House. The name means "Declivity of the Yellow Flag".
LÒN LEATHAD A' BHADAIN Lòn Bad an Leathaid Mr G. McLennan Poolewe
Mr J. Matheson Gamekeeper Poolewe
O.H. McKenzie Esqr. Inverewe House
032 A hollow about a quarter of a mile Northeast of Meall a' Ghuilb-feoir. The name Means "Marsh of the thicket of the Declivity."

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 115

Sheet 32
Ph. [Parish] of Gairloch
Co. [County] of Ross


[Signed] John Adams

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Kate51- Moderator, elxosn

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