
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CATCUNE LIME WORKS Catcune Lime Works Mr. Ritchie Torcraik
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Leslie
Mr. Tweedie Borthwick Mains
013 A limestone quarry & kiln in full operation upon the estate of Mr. Dewar of Vogrie
CATCUNE Catcune Mr. Ritchie Torcraik
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Leslie Borthwick Manse
Mr. Tweedie Borthwick Mains
013 A farm house with offices and a large arable farm attached it is on the estate of Mr. Dewar of Vogrie
GORE WATER Gore Water Mr. Ritchie Torcraik
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Leslie Borthwick Manse
Mr. Tweedie Borthwick Mains
013 The continuation of South and West Middleton Barns takes this name after Sheil junction near "Borthwick Castle" & passing through a cultivated valley near "Temple" and "Fushie Bridge" enters the "South Esk" above "Kirkhill".

Continued entries/extra info

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Plan 13 D Trace 4

[Names collected by] 2nd.Corpl. [Corporal] Mechan RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners] 14th Aug 1852

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