
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CRAMOND [village] Nether Cramond Village Continued. Revd. [Reverend] W. Colvin Cramond W. Clark 001 [continued from page 58]
"the established fact that Julius Agricola the Lieut [Lieutenant] of Vespasian, was the first Roman commander that penetrated so far North as the Firth of Forth; and this expedition into Scotland did not take place before the 80th year of the Christian Era. However it is evident from the great number of altars, Coins, medals (brass and gold) a Lime Kiln, portion of a Dock, Tesselated pavements and several other vestiges, is sufficient proof thereof that this must have been one of the most important naval and Military Stations in Scotland. I also quote another passage from Woods History which I think is worthy of notice.--"the situation of Cramond at the mouth of a well sheltered harbor to which the military ways afforded a safe and easy access for communicating from the Southern Posts could not escape the observation of the Romans, as rendering it particularly fit for reception of such of their vessels as had occasion to visit the Bodotrian Firth. In proof thereof *Sir Archibald Sibbald mentions that upon the east Side of the mouth of the Almond there has been a Dock for small vessels which Dock has advanced some length into the Forth. From the best authority no doubt the Romans occupied this place for nearly if not more than 200 years, after which a dark cloud of obscurity overshadowed this place till the year 995 when a bloody conflict took place between the forces of Kenneth Commander in chief of Malcolm 2nd. King of Scotland and those of Constantine usurper of the throne who headed his army in person; the former gaining a decisive victory in proof of which masses of bones have been found.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 58
P. [Plan] 1.B -- List of Names collected by John E Daveran RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] Examiner

Parish - Cramond

[Signed] John E Daveran
Jany [January] 29th 1852

Transcriber's notes

Word lost in fold - left hand side

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