
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
COMMERCIAL INN [Carnwath] Commercial Inn
Commercial Inn
Commercial Inn
Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean
Rev. [Reverend] James Walker
Mr Walter Watson
026.07 a good country inn with stabling accommodation attached, it is two storeys and in good repair. Property of Alexander Liddell.
LOCKHART ARMS INN [Carnwath] Lockhart Arms Inn
Lockhart Arms Inn
Lockhart Arms Inn
Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean
Rev. [Reverend] James Walker
Mr Walter Watson
026.07 This is the best inn in the village, two storeys in good repair, good stabling accommodation attached. Property of Sir Norman McDonald Lockhart Bart.[ Baronet]
White Well
White Well
Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A large spring well - no mineral properties.

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[page] 86 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath

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