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[page]13 K
The Police Commissioners of Gatehouse wish you to have the goodness to inform Mr.McKinn their Clerk &c the cast of a plan of their Burgh on a Scale of 24 inches to a mile and on a scale of 5 ft. to a mile -
By the act of Parliament they should provide themselves with a plan on a scale not less than 5 ft. to a mile and they wish to obey the Act if possible - Could not a good 5 ft. olan be given them from the Six Inch Survey with a very careful examination -
The town of Haddington was Surveyed for the Six Inch and [---] &c on the 5 ft. and it Seemed to answer very fairly -
I will forward the Gatehouse Boundary papers tomorrow -
[signed] J. Winzer
Sergt. RS.M. [Sergeant Royal Sappers and Miners]]

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