
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LOCH NAN CAIFEANACH Loch nan Caifeanach Mr MacMillan
J McSweyn
A. A. Carmichael, Esq.
047 This name applies to a small fresh-water loch about two Miles East of Craigory Meaning Obscure Propt. [Proprietor] Capt. [Captain] Gordon Cluny Castle Aberdeenshire
LOCH NAN AIRIDHEAN Loch nan Airidhean Mr MacMillan
A A. Carmichael, Esq
J McSweyn
046 ; 047 This name signifies Loch of the Shealing and is applied to a small fresh-water loch a short distance West of Loch nan Caifeanach Propt. [Proprietor] John Gordon Esqr
LOCH NAM BREAC RUADHA Loch nam Breac Rudha Mr MacMillan
A. A. Carmichael Esq.
J McSweyn
046 ; 047 This name signifies Red Trout Loch and is applied to a small fresh-water loch a short distance West of Loch Mhic Raòir Mhòir
Propt. [Proprietor] John Gordon Cluny Castle

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6 Inch Sheet 47 trace 4 -- Parish of South Uist

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