
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
INVERARITY BRIDGE Inverarity Bridge Revd. [Reverend] A. S. Thompson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster
Mr. David McLaren, Inverarity Mill
Revd. [Reverend] G. Louden, Manse
044 [Situation] In the northern portion of the parish
A stone Bridge of One Arch erected over the Kerbet Water a short distance south of Inverarity Mill
BRIDGE-END COTTAGES Bridgeend Cottages Revd. [Reverend] A. S. Thompson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster
Mr. David McLaren Inverarity Mill
Revd. [Reverend] G. Louden, manse
044 [Situation] In the northern portion of the parish
A few Cottages on the farm of Inverarity Mill Southward of Inverarity Mill
SCHOOL [nr Mill of Inverarity] School Ph. [Parish] Revd. [Reverend] A. S. Thompson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster
Revd. [Reverend] George Louden, Ph. [Parish] Manse
Mr. Dewar, South Tarbrax
044 [Situation] In the northern portion of the parish
A house at the West end of Inverarity Bridge with Schoolmaster's house and usual complement of ground attached The pupils attending, average from 60-90, and receive instructions in Ordinary branches of an English education The Master receives the Maximum Salary together with school fees from the Pupils. South of the Ph. [Parish] School is a Small Sewing School attended by young females. The mistress is a Miss Bell.

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Inverarity -- Sheet 44 Plan 7 Trace 3

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