
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CAIRN [Kellie Law] Cairn (remains of) Mr. Bodie, Easter Kellie.
Mr. Young, Kellie Castle.
Mr. F. Conolly Esq. Anstruther.
Hist. [History] of Fife by J.M Leighton. page [obscured]
019 Parish of Carnbee. The remains of a cairn of handstones on the summit of Kellie Law. It consists at present of an oval shaped ridge of handstones about 120 links long by about 90 links broad and about 3 to 4 feet high cover'd partially by grass so as nearly to leave little or no trace of its remain it seems to have been at one time a circular cairn about 120 or 130 links in diameter and informant [symbol] says that about 25 or 30 years ago it was of a conical shape and 9 or 10 feet high in the centre. of its date or origin nothing is now known save that it is suppose to mark the spot where some warrior had fell or was interred - the stones which formed have from time to time this last 20 years been removed for building fences & other draining purposes chiefly by Mr. Bogie the present farmer of Easter Kellie but no remains of any kind have been found in or near it. for so far as it has been removed

Continued entries/extra info

50 List of names collected by Thomas Smith C. Asst. Plan 19D Trace 2

[signed] Thomas Smith
15th March ----

Transcriber's notes

The "symbol" referring to the informants statement is not shown against any of the informants names.

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