
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
The Aisle
The Aisle
The Aisle
The Aisle
Revd. [Reverend] George Weir
Mr. John Henderson
Mr. D. Broomfield
Mr. W. Paterson
Chamber's Gazetteer
018 A Small Building of 30 links Square on Soutra Hill used as a burial place by the Maitlands of Po[gbie] over the Entrance is the date 1686. It is said to be an Aisle of the Church belonging to "the Hospital of a Religious Institution founded by Malcolm IV [4] in the year 1164 at which wayfarers from the North to Melrose were sheltered & fed & Sick people Carefully tended" by Cham[bers] in his Gazetteer which is Confirmed by residents in the neighbourhood, attached to the Aisle is still visible the grave[yard] and in the field in which it stands, and which is ploughed up - are observed various undulations which is said to be the site of the Village & Hospital of Soutra. passing the Aisle is to be seen The Girthgate the ancient R[oad] used by the Pilgrims & others.
Trinity Well
Mr. John Henderson
Mr. William Paterson
018 A well on Soutra Hill at the South side of The Aisle, Said to have been Connected with the Hospital & Church.
On Johnston's Co. [County] map, this name is written to a well on the face of the Hill which is not Trinity well

Continued entries/extra info

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Plan 18 D Parish of Fala, District of Soutra

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Nora Edwards, Douglas Montgomery

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