
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
EASTER BALLOCH (Remains of) Easter Balloch (Remains of)
Easter Balloch (Remains of)
Easter Balloch (Remains of)
W. Stewart. Proprietor
J. Crawford. Overseer
W. Pender. Condorrat
025 This, upon the authority of the Proprietor, is the remains of an old Steading
which is the Site of a vicars dwelling in connexion with an ancient chapel that stood somewhere in the neighborhood, but at what particular place is not Known. The remaining wall of the old Steading is standing, as shewn on Trace with the old windowsills & airholes in it. "Easter Balloch"
is preserved to this remaining wall by the Proprietor on account of the Antiquity which was connected with it. This is Mr. Walter Stewarts property

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[Page] 60

Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish

[In Names as Written column:]

Major Bayly

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Alison James- Moderator, Molly Miller

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