
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Valuation Roll
Property Plan
W. G. Russell Pr. [Proprietor]
026 A Farm Steading near which there is a Tomb or burial place which the Proprietor of Garbethill alone. possesses the right of internment. The Tomb (so called) is an unroofed square building of walls about 12 feet high surrounded by trees. The propr. [proprietor] recently interred in this Spot, & particularly authorizes it as a "Tomb". (See the "Tomb" at Arns. Trace 1).
HINDLAYERS (Ruin) Hindlayers (in ruin)
Hindlayers (in ruin)
Hindlayers (in ruin)
Estate Map
Johnston's Co [County] Map
W. G. Russell. Garbethill Ho. [House]
026 A ruin in a portion of Cultivated ground Surrounded by moss or R. [Rough] Heathy Pasture, which is the property of W. Forbes Esquire of Callander.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 101

Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish

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