
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Fold Cleugh
Fold Cleugh
Fold Cleuch
Oldfauld Cleuch
Oldfauld Cleuch
Oldfauld Cleuch
John Williamson
George Osborne
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Simpson
William Hislop
John Lindsay Durisdeer
Adam Lockhart Durisdeer
014 [The opening sentence is marked with an arrow directing the reader to a correction regarding the Descriptive Remarks:]
A small stream haiving its source ½ mile East of Knockcony Dod and falls into the Marr Burn.
Cleuch, and not Cleugh is the mode recommended by Dr. [Doctor] Simpson, it being the Scottish Mode of writing that name,
[Arrowed text:]
A hollow through which a Stream flows - the Cleuch extends as far as marked [two symbols denoting the delineation] on Trace.-
Oldfold adopted for the sake of euphony.-

Continued entries/extra info

[Page:] 332
Parish of Sanquhar, -- Plan 14/2, Trace 4

[OLDFOLD CLEUCH - Situation:]
On En. [Eastern] Parish

[Page is signed:]
Samuel S Hill
Lce. Corpl [Lance Corporal] RS&M [Royal Sappers and Miners]

Transcriber's notes

Two Authorities are assigned to Durisdeer by a bracket, I have transcribed as if 'ditto'.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

George Howat

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