
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Site of SENCHAR HOSPITAL Senewar Hospital
or Senchar
(Supposed site of)
Senewar Hospital
or Senchar
(Supposed site of)
Senewar Hospital
or Senchar
(Supposed site of)
History of Sanquhar

Rev [Reverend] Mr. Simpson

George Osborne
006 (Extract from Sanquhar History)
Between the two castles of Sanquhar
and Ryehill stood a large pile of buildings
denominated the hospital of Senewar
or Senchar, It was the most considerable
establishment of the kind in the County,
and was of great benefit in those days
when inns were rare, and travelling performed
with great difficulty, Here the stranger was
hospitably entertained, and probably
without any charges made, At what precise
period this building was erected is not
known, neither is the name of the founder
retained, It was, however, in existance [existence]
in the year, 1296, The building is now
entirely demolished,

Continued entries/extra info

[Page:] 223.
Parish of Sanquhar -- Plan 6/15 Trace 5

[Site of SENCHAR HOSPITAL - Situation:]
35 Chains S,E, [South East]
from Sanquhar Castle

[Page is signed:]
Samuel S Hill
Lce. Corpl [Lance Corporal] RS&M [Royal Sappers and Miners]

Transcriber's notes

A table entry for "Supposed Site of ST MARY'S CHAPEL and Grave Yard [Senchar Hospital]", map reference 006, was deleted. It has been struck out on the page.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

George Howat

  Location information for this page.