
Continued entries/extra info

[Page:] 118,
Parish of Sanquhar. -- Sheet 6.10. Trace No. [Number] 3.

[Various modes:]
contd. [Continued]

[Descriptive Remarks:]
fort in the days of Edward
the Southern." -
The Crawick at the Mill [?]
Head may be said to have e[?]
from the field of poetry and trad[?it-]
-tion and entered upon its utilit[?a-]
-rian course, supplying man [?with]
the power of producing food &
raiment as well as materials
for building & other purposes,
The Mill-lead from the Mill [?]
Head to its junction again with [?]
Crawick supplies water power t[?o]
a woolen Mill, Dyehouse, Corn
and saw Mills and the Forge [?d]
Head sends its Mill-Lead, [?]
the Kirkconnel side to the forg[?e]
at Crawick Bridge,

[Page is signed:]
Thomas matheson CA [Civilian Assistant]

Transcriber's notes

This page is a continuation of the Descriptive Remarks on the previous page for CRAWICK WATER.

Some text is lost in the image at the binding.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

George Howat

  Location information for this page.

  There are no linked mapsheets.