
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
JOHNSTONE MILLS (Corn) Johnstone Mills Mr. Graham (Overseer)
G. Rogerson (Miller)
C. Halliday (Farmer Panlands)
033 [Situation] On W. [West] bank of River Annan, 25 Chains N.N. E. [North North East] from the Parish Church.
Comprising, two Mills driven by Water power, in which Wheat, Corn and Barley are ground, with a good dwelling house and Suitable conveniences, all Slated and in excellent repair, Situated on the banks of the River Annan, close to the North Side of Johnstone Bridge.
JOHNSTONE BRIDGE Johnstone Bridge Mr Graham
G. Rogerson
C. Halliday
033 [Situation] Over River Annan 1/4 mile E. [East] from Parish Church
A good substantial Stone bridge, which Spans the River Annan, consisting of one arch. Built in the year 1818 by the trustees of the Glasgow and Carlisle trust Road. -

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 140 -- Ph. [Parish] of Johnstone -- Sheet 33 No. 12 & 2

[Signed] Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp : R. E [Corporal Royal Engineers]

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