
Proprietor and land Valuation
Kirkmayden [lib.s.d. [Pounds, Shillings, Pence]
Laird of Logane Ane thowsand thrie hundrethe Fourscoir sex punds £1386.0.0
Umqll [Umquhile] Sir Robert Adair hes lands Aught hundrethe fyftie thrie punds ten ss [shillings] £853.10.0
Mule Twa hundrethe thriescoir punds £260.0.0
Torhous Thrie hundrethe fyftie Aught punds fyfteine shillings £358.15.0
Portincorkie, clonzeard & mill Four hundrethe twelff punds £412.0.0
Corrachtie Ane hundrethe fyftie Sex punds sevinteine shilling £156.17.0
Cayrue fourscoir punds £80.0.0
Evenshanks thriescoir thrie punds sex ss [shillings] 8 d [pennies] £63.6.8
Creichane & meikillalbins Thrie hundreth Fourscoir fyve punds £385.0.0
Lyttill albuy & marieport Ane hundreth Seven punds Aught shillings £107.8.0
Corghie Ane hundrethe Fourscoir ten punds £190.0.0
Killvinpha & grennane Ane hundrethe Twentie fyve punds £125.0.0
E. [Erle] Cassills Sex punds £6.0.0
Lard mcilmun nyne punds ten ss [shillings] £9.10.0
Lard of logane for the few dewty of creichae Sex punds threttin ss [shillings] 4 d [pennies] £6.13.4
Suma [Summa] totalis of this paroche extends to Four thowsand Four hundrethe punds £4400.0.0

Transcribe other information

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[Wigt] [Wigton] first of August 17 Twentie one [1721] years The [qlk -ay] [which day]
[conveined] the comissioners [commissioners] of supply of Wig [Wigtoun] shyre [viz] brigdeier Stewart of [Sorbie]
Sr [Sir] Charles hay of Park Patrick mc Dowl of freuch Collonel Patrick Vans
[of] barnbarroch william Agneu of Castelwig Thomas Stewart of fintiloch
[Patrick mckie] qcho [who] Elected the sd [said] Sir Charles hay Preses. The sd [said] day
[--] [Sir] George hutchesone Advocat gave in a [suplication] for [certificatione]
of the [valuation] of kirkcryst & killimore conforme to a dispostitione of sd [said]
granted be John Gordone of Grainge & willliam Gordon his brother to [A--]
Gordon of Craiglou daited the thrittie day of januar [January] 1679 [Regrat] in the Shref-
-court books of wigt [Wigtoun] the [--] [--] day of jary [January] 1691 by whih [which] dispositione
the fsd [foresaid] Lands of kirkcryst & killimoir are appointed to be Ane
hundreth Punds scots efter the deceass of Katlherine Ross lady Grange
The sd [said] day Mr James Gordon & william Gordone of Grange being cited by Thomas
bel constable [verified] by warrant frae Thomas Stewart of fintiloch justice of peace &
they both being called Gave in thrie letters of excuses; and the fsd [foresaid] comissioners [commissioners]
haveing considered the Supplicatione & haveing sein the [princl] [principal] dispositione forsd [foresaid]
They find the sd [said] lands of kirkcryst & killimore to be only lyable for Ane
hundred Punds [valuatione] since the deceass of the sd [said] Lady Grange And should
pay suply accordingly Reserving pouer to the sd [said] Mr James & William
Gordons to give any instroctiones scripta at the michelmes head court nixt
to [Eleid] the sd [said] [--] in the dispositione Suplt [Supplement] at the desyre & in presence
of the [commissioners] forsd [foresaid] by me

[signed] Charles Hay praeses

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[signed] Andrew Agnew -- Baldone JP [Justice of the Peace]

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