
Proprietor and land Valuation
Kirklistoun Paroch
Earle of Wintoun Three Thousand three Hundered thirty three pounds 3333.07.00
seven shilling
Newlistoun Ane thousand six Hundereth pounds 1600.00.00
Elistoun Six Hundereth pounds 600.00.00
Carloury Ane Thousand Four Hundereth Seventy pounds 1470.00.00
Kilpount Ane Thousand Three Hundereth Twenty three pound Eight shill 1323.08.00
Dundas Two Hundereth and Eighty pound 280.00.00
Breistmilne Two Hundereth and Ninty pounds 290.00.00
Todshaugh Two Hundereth pounds 200.00.00
Margaret Cleilland Fourtein pounds 14.00.00
John Saltoun Thirtein pounds 13.00.00
Mortons Land in Kirklistoun Twelve pound Ten shilling 12.10.00
George Youngs rent Ane Hundereth Thirty Three pound Eight shill 133.08.00
Suma Kirklistoun Paroch Nynethousand Two Hundereth
Sixty Nyne pound thirtein shilling

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