
Proprietor and land Valuation
The Erle of Murray for him selff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the Said paroschine the money rent Extends to Sex hundreth thrie scoir twa punds 5. 3. £662.5.3
Payit of beir in the said paroschine Sevin hundreth four score four bolls pryce and measure forsaid is three thowsand five hundreth twantie eight pund £3528.0.0
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the victuall and money Extends to
Payit in Casualities four wedders pryce forsaid ten merks £6.13.4
Suma [Summa] of the haill pryce of the victuall money rent and casualities of this paroschine extends to four thousand ane hundreth four scoir sextine punds 18. 8. £4196.18.8
Payit to the Minister two bolls of beir inde Nyne punds £9.0.0
In money three hundreth fourtie sevin pund 8 ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] £347.8.8
Payit to the Successors of the late predit [pretendit] Byshop Murray Ane hundreth Ten pund 17 ss [shillings] £110.17.0
Suma [Summa] of thir deductions four hundreth thrie scoir sevin punds 5. 8. £467.5.8
Sua [Summa] rests of frie Rest within this paroschine Thrie thousand Sevin hundreth tuentie nyne punds 13s [shillings] £3729.13.0

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Kynnard of covlbine
J Douglass
T Sutherland
Jhon hay
Mr S hay

[Page] 190

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