
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
Sir Thomas Tyrie, for Glasclune, witli the pendicles and Few farm dewties belonging to him, six hundreth punds, £600.0.0
To be divided as follows :-
Gormack, for Balburdo, £50.0.0
John Gibson, for Balcairne and Galmyre, £250.0.0
Lawrence Olyphant, for the rest above the Burn, £300.0.0
Summa, £600.0.0
Laird of Ardblair, for his Few dewties in wester Kinloch, two punds, £2.0.0
Summa seventeene hundreth three punds, two shillings, eight pennies, £1703.2.8
Cluny Parish
Laird of Gormack, for two Tullyneidies and New Mylne, four hundreth threescore six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £466.13.4
William Lindsay of Kinloch, for Easter Bowhill and Few dewties of Scroggiehill, two hundreth fourtie punds, £240.0.0
John Moncur of Reidgotbins, for Scroggiehill, threescore six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £66.13.4
James Blair of Ardblair, for Wester Lethendie and Burnsyde, two hundreth punds, £200.0.0
Francis Hay, for Wester and Midel Gourdie, and Wester Gourdie Cottarton, three hundreth fourtie two punds, £342.0.0
John Kinloch, for Easter Gourdie, one hundreth threescore ten punds, £170.0.0
Laird of Inchtuthel for Mylne of Gourdie, one hundreth and twelve punds, £112.0.0
Thomas Stewart, for Craigtone, fyftie two punds, £52.0.0
Earl of Atholl, for Baronie of Laichwood, fyve hundreth twentie six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £526.13.4
Niell Stewart of Foss, for his wadsett of Garbett, threescore ten punds, £70.0.0
Laird of Balgirshoe, for his wadsett of Birkinhilles, twentie two punds, £22.0.0
Laird of Drumkilbo, for his wadsett of Wester Sheriffmuir, twentie two punds, £22.0.0
Laird of Ardblair, for his wadsett of Dullator, twentie punds, £20.0.0
George Nairne of Craigie, for his wadsett of Wester Fornocht, one hundreth and threttie punds, ten shilling, £130.10.0
James Hering, for Blackloaning, one hundreth twentie two punds, ten shilling, £122.10.0
John Robertsone, for Easter Nether Fornocht, one hundreth fourteene punds, £114.0.0
Robert Bannerman, for his half of Wester Nether Fornocht, threescore punds, £60.0.0
Andrew Stirtone, for his part of the other half of Nether Fornocht, fourtie punds, £40.0.0
Andrew Souttar, for Mylne and Mylne lands of Fornocht, and for Cuilthill, fourscore thirteene punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £93.6.8
William Hering's heirs, for Balleine, twentie six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £26.13.4
Mr John Stewart of Clunie, for his part of Clunie, Fornocht's Teynds, and Few dewties, six hundreth and four punds, two shilling, four pennies, £604.2.4
Katherine Nairne, for her conjunct fie lands of Clunie, two hundreth and fourtie punds, £240.0.0
Summa three thousand seven hundreth fourtie one punds, two shillings, four pennies, £3747.2.4
Cargil parish
Earl of Perth, for the Baronie of Stobhall, four thousand four hundreth fyftie punds, £4450.0.0
Lord Gray, for Mickle Buttergask and Liggerlaw, fyve hundreth threescore punds. £560.0.0
David Kinloch Gourdie, £194.3.0
Kethick, Easter Tullyneidie, £219.0.3
Lethendy, Scroggiehill, £66.13.4
Very Rev. [Reverend] Principal Baird, Part Wester Tullyneidie, £75.6.2
Drumfin, £77.9.8
Blackloaning, £151.5.4
Easter Forneath £114.0.0
Logie Husband, £117.15.6
Over and Wester Forneath, £130.10.0
Mrs Williamson, Easter Eassendy, with, £230.0.0
Scroggiehill Feu duty, £10.0.0
Delvin, Gourdie Stewart's lands, £454.0.0
Bumside and Aikenhead £125.0.0
Earl of Airley, Clunie Barony, £732.2.4
Principal Baird and John Leslie, Wester Milnton £93.6.8
Tullibelton, Wester Eassendy, £76.0.0
Gourdie, Newmill, £77.15.6
Thomas Macritchie Elder, Craigton £52.0.0
Lord Glenlyon, Laighwood Park £213.6.8
Leducky, Over Laighwood, and the rest of the Barony, £325.6.8
Birkenhills, £22.0.0
Miln of Laighwood, £100.0.0
Principal Baird, Knockend, part of Wester Tullyneidie, £94.11.5
Lintrose, Soutarhouses, £166.13.4
James Wright, Lawton, £135.0.0

Transcriber's notes

Because this image is split into two formats, the left hand page from the 1649 valuation and the right hand page from the 1835 valuation, guidance was sought from the project management on how this should be transcribed.
The guidance received was


on the first line.
Then transcribe a row for each value. Ignore line wrapping, so continue wrapped lines at the end of the 1st line where possible.
Transcribe amounts in the standard £1.2.3 format and NOT 0001 02 03 as written.
Where there isn't too much text there should be one line for each valuation.


Continue transcribing after the completion of the left hand page

on the first line.
Then transcribe a row for each value.
Ignore line wrapping, so continue wrapped lines at the end of the 1st line where possible.
Ignore curly brackets and join the lines together for each total.
Transcribe amounts in the standard £1.2.3 format.
Do not repeat the proprietor name(s) if they have several properties one after the other. Only the first property should have the proprietor name.
Where there isn't too much text there should be one line for each valuation.

[There are various scribbles and calculations that have been written on the image but which have nothing to do with the original text and which would be impossible to transcribe in any meaningful format. These have been ignored in the transcribing exercise]

In the summary row the words clearly say "Summa three thousand seven hundreth fourtie ONE punds, two shillings, four pennies" but the figures are definitely "3747 02 04" so the original has been written incorrectly. Transcribed as per the image.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.