
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
Note 1. On 1 October 1802 No 637 the valued Rent of Bennochy which had been 1728 rated at £1343.0.0 was disjoined as follows:-
Nine acres two roods and two falls of Bennochy dispond by John Whyte Melville to William Ferguson of Raith £90.0.0
Remaining lands of Bennochy. £1253.0.0
[total] £1343.0.0
The Disjunction 5 March 1789 No 506 was said to be accordingly rectified.
Note 2. On 2 September 1742 No. 170 the valued Rent of Agnes Seton Relict of Alexander Williamson of Bogiebutts was disjoined thus:-
David Knox part £34.6.10
Agnes Setons part. £153.13.8
Sum of Agnes Seatons £188.0.6
There was also disjoined on 5 June 1741 No. 163 from Alexander Williamsons valued rent for 6 acres of Bogiebutts sold to Sir James Wemyss. £61.0.0
[total] £249.0.6
Note 3. On 24 April 1727 The valued Rent of Abbotshall being £3167.0.0 was disjoined thus:-
The valued Rent of Helen McGills part of Abbotshall for which she was to pay cess during her lifetime. £687.0.0
Sir John Arnots remaining valued Rent £2480.0.0
[total] £3167.0.0
Note 1. On 6 July 1752 No. 229 Conform to consent and appplication from the Earl of Morton and Captain Alexander Stuart of Dunearn, the valued rent of part of Dunearns lands being £460.0.0 was disjoined thus:-
Part of said lands sold to the said Earl £306.13.4
Captain Stuarts remaining lands. £153.6.8
[total] £460.0.0

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Bizzy- Moderator, charles