
Number Proprietors Lands Valuation Sub Valuation
(Scots Money)
John Rirchie Findlay of Aberlour. (1) Edinvillie £127.16.0
(2) Part of Collargreen £18.13.0
(3) Kinermony &c. exclusive of Edinvillie £455.10.5
John Rirchie Findlay of Aberlour. (formerly David Edward) (1) Mudhouse £19.15.2
(2) Collargreen Allawick Drumfurrich and part of Ryehillock. £145.13.10 £165.9.0
James Eadie Glenrinnes £194.18.7
R. Thorne & Sons, Ltd. Mill of Ruthrie £2.6.6
Trustees of Peter Stuart Inverfiddich £2.6.6

Transcribe other information

[page] 35A

among the purchasers from the Trustees
of His Grace The Duke of Fife, K.G., [Knight of the Garter]
K.T., [Knight of the Thistle] or their successors, of the old
valued rent of the portions of the Fife
Estates in the Parish of Aberlour and
County of Banff.

May 1913

The total Valued Rent of the whole lands in the Parish of Aberlour,
formerly belonging to the Duke of Fife is £967 [£967.0.0] Scots. That sum is allocated
below in the same proportions as the stipend which was payable by His Grace,
previous to the commencement of the land sales was allocated in the Minute
of Agreement entered into between Wulliam Leslie of 27 Abington Street in
the City of Westminster acting under and by virtue of a Commission granted
in his favour by the said Duke of Fife (then Earl of Fife) of the first
part, John Ritchie Findlay Esquire of Aberlour of the second part, David
Edward Esquire of Collargreen of the third part, James Fleming Esquire,
Distiller, Aberlour, of the fourth part, and Alexander R. Stuart Esquire,
Inverfiddich of the fifth part, dated 10th November and 10th, 18th, 24th and
27th December 1887.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Skinnb1- Moderator