
Number Proprietors Lands Valuation Sub Valuation
Valued Rent Scots money.
Duke of Richmond & Gordon Various lands - £1161.6.11.
James Eadie Nether Clunie etc., now called Glenrinnes, £521.3.11
Lands of Reclettich £39.4.0.
Mill and Mill Lands of Reclettich £43.4.0 £603.11.11
Trustees of Colonel A. Y. Leslie Kininvie, £300.0.0
Tullich, £150.0.0 £450.0.0
George Macpherson Edinglassie £400.0.0
John R. Findlay Balveny, £318.1.4
Beatstack &c. £12.2.3 £330.3.7
Duke of Fife's Trustees Various lands £282.9.10
James & Charles Kemp Parkmore, £165.5.6
Sir P. S. Lumsden, Bart. [Baronet] Buchromb, £153.14.1
Trustees of John Symon Pittyvaich, £71.16.6
Thomas Gordon Duff Lands of Lochend, £20.0.0
Charles J. Macpherson Priestwell, £5.6.7

Transcribe other information

[page] 28A

AT BANFF, the Twelfth day of August, One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fifteen, the Document hereinafter
engrossed was presented for registration in the
Sheriff Court Books of the County of Banff, for
preservation, and is registered in the said Books
as follows:- Roll of Valued Rent Heritors of the
Parish of Mortlach, made up, approved,
and adopted by the Heritors at their
Meeting on 27th March, 1915, after
adjustment between Mr John R. Findlay
of Balveny, &c., and Sir P. S. Lumsden,
Bart. [Baronet] of Buchromb, as mentioned in
Minute of said Meeting.

Robert G. Shirreffs

Transcriber's notes

annotations in green ink have not been transcribed.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Noelle Shrestha