
Number Proprietors Lands Valuation Sub Valuation
Names of Lands Valuation Scots
The Barony of Down now MacDuff being £930.0.0 Scots valued rent, Split as follows
1. Barnhill Deyhill and Old Alehouse £405.5.4
2 Down now MacDuff Thirstlyfold and Feu duties £405,19.9
3.Gellymiln £59.0.8
4 Gellyhill £12.16.8
5 Boats £46.17.7
The Lands of Cullen being £800.0.0 Scots valued rent, Split and proportioned as follows
1. Miln of Cullen & Miln lands £103.2.2
2. Lands of Cullen comprehended in First Division £426.19.5
3. Second Division of Lands of Cullen £218.13.4
4 Third Division of Lands of Cullen £51.5.1
Montbleaton being £620.0.0 Scots Valued rent Split as follows
1. First Division £260.5.3
2. Second Division £220.7.9
3. Third Division £139.7.0
Tarlair £120.0.0
Melross and Silverfoord £450.0.0
The Lands of Troup £1402.4.11
Minnonie £217.15.1
Lichnet £300.0.0
Pitgair £180.0.0
Afforsk £70.0.0
Northfield £266.0.0
Carry Over £5356.0.0

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Page Nineteenth

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