
Number Proprietors Lands Valuation Sub Valuation
Names of Lands Scots.
Boat of Bridge & Bridgtown £100.0.0
Papine £50.0.0
Aikenway £130.0.0
Airndilly £80.0.0
Easter Galdwell £160.0.0
Newtown £350.0.0
Achinadies £200.0.0
Auchluncart formerly Stated in Cumulo at £1000. [£1000.0.0] Scots, Valued Split 5 Jun 1773 and proportioned as follows.
1st Mains of Auchluncart Croft thereof and Garden, Upper and Nether Ardeochs Corbieshole and Delmore £290.17.5
2d Upper and Nether Old town Miln and Miln Croft, and part of Hillockhead and Lands of Croarie £254.14.8
3d Wester Hillhead and Strypeside £53.17.3
4th HillparK, BlackhillocK Moss side, Mary hill, Nether Auchalloch and Easter Hillhead £131.17.8
5th Calternach and Lands of CorlusK £63.6.8
6th Wester Galdwell and pertinents £205.6.4
KnocKen £100.0.0
Total Valuation of this Parish £2170.0.0
Boharm No. 4

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Bizzy- Moderator, Skinnb1- Moderator