
Proprietor and land Valuation
The particular summa of every parish of the presbitrie of Alfoord is as followes
1 Parish of Alfoord Thrie Thousand one hundreth Twenty Six pund twelf ss [shilling] eight penies £3126.12.8
2 Parish of Touch ane Thousand Six hundreth thriescor ten pund fourtein shilling £1670.14.0
3 Parish of Lochell one Thousand fyve hundreth thriescor ellevin pund threttein shilling four penies £1571.13.4
4 Parish of Cushney nyn hundreth Twentiethrie fyve shill [shilling] £923.5.0
5 Parish of Kearn fyve hundreth pund £500.0.0
6 Parish of Forbes Six hundreth thriescor Six pund threttein shilling four penies £666.13.4
7 Parish of Keig ane thousand fyve hundreth thriescor fyftein pund ellevin shilling four penies £1575.11.4
8 Parish of Clett ane thousand two hundreth thriescor fyftein pund four shilling four penies £1275.4.4
9 Parish of Tillinessell ane thousand ten pund threttein shilling four penies £1010.13.4
10 Parish of Kenethmond ane thousand eight hundreth Sevintein pund threttein shilling four penies £1817.13.4
11 parish of Kildrimy ane thousand fiftie one pund fyftein shilling four penies £1051.15.4
12 Parish of Achindor ane thousand thrie hundreth twenty two pund ellevin shilling four penies £1322.11.4
13 Parish of Glenbuchet Sevin hundreth fourscor fyve pund £785.0.0
14 parish of Cabroch four hundreth fiftie four pund two shilling ten penies £454.2.10
15 parish of Kinbethack ane thousand four hundreth thriescor fyftein pund Sevin shilling two penies £1475.7.2
16 Parish of Invernochty Two Thousand nyn hundreth Threttie nyn pund one shilling Six penies £2939.1.6

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